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来源: 海南省气象局 发布时间: 2022-07-27

本网站讯 记者7月27日从海口市气象台了解到,预计,7月28日~30日,海口市以晴到多云天气为主,局地午后有雷阵雨,最高气温33~35℃。

Haikou Weather Forecast

   Haikou will be clear to cloudy with isolated thunderstorms in the afternoon from July 28th to 30th. The maximum temperature will be 33~35℃.

   Please kindly check the table below for the detailed forecast for EXPO.

Weather Forecast for EXPO at the Hainan International Convention and Exhibition Center on July 28th

Daily Weather Forecast for EXPO at the Hainan International Convention and Exhibition Center


   Tip:Hainan International Convention and Exhibition Center will be clear to cloudy with thunderstorms in the afternoon on July 30th.The public should pay attention to lightning protection and take shelter from rain and against the heat in outdoor activities.